Statement - Development in Broughton
Broughton Parish Council
Broughton has always been interesting to speculative developers. Any new development must go through the planning process and comply with planning policy, planning applications are dealt with by NNC, not the Parish Council.
Under the current planning policy, no land on the outskirts of Broughton village is designated for housing or industrial/commercial development. Developers may have "an option" on land but this is only an agreement between the developer and land owner, it does not mean they have planning permission.
There is a new NNC Strategic Policy in the process of being created which developers will be aware of but this will have to go through public consultation and an independent examination before it can come into force.
The Broughton Neighbourhood Plan will be part of the Planning Policy for the area. Some small scale development may be necessary in the future, particularly for affordable housing but under Neighbourhood Plan rules this will only be required to meet the needs of the village, not the wider area. We cannot predict what changes to the planning regulations will be introduced by the next government.
The screenshot referring to "St Frances Group" is not a new application, it is a technical matter relating to the existing permission for the warehouse complex at the end of the A43 (previously Cohen's Yard). We can find no evidence of any consent for a steel framed building anywhere near the village in recent years, planning permission expires usually after three years if the work has not begun.
The Parish Council meets each month, it is a public meeting all are welcome to attend if you have any matters you wish to raise. There was also a surgery event at the Red Lion on Saturday 15th June where Parish Councillors were available to meet members of the community to discuss matters of concern. Meeting dates and agendas can be found here
Contact Information
Clerk to Broughton Parish Council
- 07379 132788
Find Broughton Parish Council
Meetings held @ Broughton Chapel Room, 49 High St, Broughton, Broughton, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1NF
Additional Information
Broughton Parish Council meetings take place at Broughton Chapel, 49 High St, Broughton, Kettering NN14 1NF