Broughton Village Hall
Broughton has a brilliant Village Hall!
There are many groups and associations who operate from the village hall and the hall is available to hire. For diary availability and info on everything going on at the village hall see
Whats on:
Broughton Village Hall - Sunday 17th October 2021 - 2.00 – 4.30pm
Village Hall, Gate Lane, Broughton
A chance to see what is going on at the Village Hall
To view and comment on the proposals to expand the village hall buildings to include:
- a purpose built pre-school facility,
- new sports changing rooms o a permanent stage for live music and drama
- a Sports Bar Social Club with onsite living accommodation
- a community room/coffee shop
Come and watch a video of the proposals, look at the plans or have a virtual tour using QR Codes and tell us what you think. Committee Members will be available for you to talk to and answer your questions. Why bother?
- your opinion matters
- because it is your village hall and you should have your say
- because external funding for projects depends on you